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Below You Will Find Our

Terms And Conditions


Session missed by the child. We are unable to refund or credit any sessions missed by the child for any reason including illness. We are happy to offer you a make up session in an appropriate alternative class option providing there is space available. (This must be organised and booked in advance). In exceptional cases, if a child is unable to attend a series of sessions due to an unfortunate circumstance or illness excluding Covid-19, please contact WhizzDance to discuss your credit request.


Session cancelled by WhizzDance due to circumstances due to Covid-19 or acts of nature. In the event that a WhizzDance session must be cancelled due to Covid-19 or acts of nature, we will reschedule the session missed for another date within the same term period. If it is not possible to host live classes, we will host our classes online. Online classes will be charged at 100% for the first 2 sessions and 80% for any sessions thereafter. For those who opt not to attend online classes; the first 2 sessions missed are non-refundable and any sessions thereafter will be credited 80%. All refunds will be given via credit to your next invoice. No cash refunds will be permitted.  Please expect to receive an email from us regarding relevant information. 


Session cancelled by WhizzDance for any other reason. In the unusual event that a WhizzDance session must be unavoidably cancelled, we will reschedule the session missed for another date within the same term. If we are unable to provide this, then you will receive a credit of the session cost refunded from the cost of the following term. Please expect to receive an email from us regarding relevant information. We strive never to cancel for reasons within our control.



As soon as you have registered with WhizzDance using the online registration form, you are liable for all term fees incurred from that date forward.


All fees and deposits are non refundable (please visit our Refund Policy for details).


If fees are not paid, WhizzDance also has the right to refuse entrance to class.


If there is a waiting list in place and term fees have not been paid, WhizzDance has the right to offer your allocated place to those on the waiting list without warning.


WhizzDance may make changes to the current fees at any time, although we will always do our best to give you reasonable notice.



Once an item has been taken home you are required to pay in full. Uniform items are non-refundable or returnable. You are welcome to privately resell any of our items purchased.



Payments for events and camps are non-refundable (please visit our Refund Policy for details).



We offer termly invoices paid via BACS and monthly payments using GoCardless.


TERMLY VIA BACS: Invoices for termly classes will be sent at the beginning of the months of March, July and December for the following term. Payments will be due by the end of the month when the invoice is sent. If the deadline is missed without communication, then a 10% late fee (capped at £10) will be added to your invoice. WhizzDance has the right to apply the late fee at any point after the invoice is overdue. Please contact us before the due date if you wish to discuss any extenuating circumstances. CANCELLATION: Cancellation must be communicated ASAP and before the next invoice deadline via email to info@whizzdance.com. No other form of contact will be accepted.


GOCARDLESS MONTHLY: We use the direct debit service GoCardless. Additional transaction fees apply. Payments are made over 11 months excluding the month of December if starting from August. Direct Debits set up after August will divide remaining fees of the academic year by the remaining months up to July. Fees will be taken on the 8th or 28th of the month. If the transaction request fails, GoCardless will make 2 further requests to your bank for the payment over the following days. If all payment attempts fail, you will need to pay the balance via BACS or Stripe using a payment link. You can choose to opt out of the GoCardless monthly payment at any point and switch back to termly invoices. If you opt out of GoCardless monthly payments mid-way through the payment schedule of a term you will be liable to pay the remaining fees. You must inform us if you are canceling your direct debit with GoCardless or we can cancel it on our end. CANCELLATION OF MONTHLY DIRECT DEBIT: Cancellation of classes must be communicated with a minimum of 4 weeks notice via email to info@whizzdance.com. No other form of contact will be accepted.



Term fees are non refundable (please visit our Refund Policy for details). This includes cancellations made part way through the term.


Cancellation must be communicated ideally ASAP but latest before the invoice deadline if paying termly or with a minimum of 4 weeks notice if paying via GoCardless monthly. Communication of cancellation must be sent in writing via email to missmaria@whizzdance.com. No other form of contact will be accepted. 


If communication of cancellation isn’t made before the current invoice deadline you will be liable for the current term fees due as detailed on the invoice sent, including any late fees occurred during that time period. 


WhizzDance will not accept any cancellation of classes in the first term after registration. You are liable for all fees and uniform costs incurred; this is non-negotiable.



Parents of young WhizzDancers will always ensure to hand over their child to a member of the WhizzTeam before leaving the building. Children must be supervised until their WhizzTeacher is ready for them to enter the studio.


WhizzDance students must wash hands on arrival and exit of class or use suitable anti bac gel. 


WhizzDance students are expected to look at their WhizzTeacher, listen to their WhizzTeacher, join in at all times, and behave respectfully and accordingly in all classes. 


Unruly behaviour conducted by any student will eventually lead to their removal from the class.


WhizzDance has the right to withdraw any student’s place at WhizzDance at any time after experiencing unruly, unreasonable behaviour in class and without notice. No refund will be given in this instance.


All students must be groomed appropriately for their session.


If a student does not adhere to uniform regulation and appropriate grooming, WhizzTeachers have the right to refuse entry to class.


All students and parents are expected to be supportive without question about any creative decisions, choreographic content, casting roles made by WhizzDance for any public performance opportunities, watching week classes, shows or exams.


All parents are expected to respect that moving up a level or participating in exams at WhizzDance will happen when their child is ready and the decision is made by our WhizzTeachers’ discretion entirely.



Teaching dance is a physical activity and a teacher will sometimes need to make physical contact with a student to show an idea or to correct the student’s position. This can include lifting or adjusting arms, legs, rib cage, hips, feet, or hands, and moving one student in relation to another.


Where contact is needed, we will remain sensitive to the student’s wishes and put their welfare first. In all cases, we will say why and how we will be correcting the student’s position before making any contact.



BalletTots (adult participation class) must be accompanied in class by a Parent/Guardian who is responsible for them during the class.


Parents/Guardians of BalletDots (preschool classes) must stay contactable and within reasonable distance to our class venue. (This is a request from our insurance company.)



Any changes in contact or medical information must be communicated immediately.


You have the right to update your details personally. Please see our Privacy Policy for more details.


WhizzDance will never share your personal information with any 3rd parties that you are not aware of and will only send you relevant information related to WhizzDance. Please see our Privacy Policy for details on 3rd parties we use for WhizzDance business only.

You have the right to opt out of receiving any emails that do not apply directly to the class you have signed up for.


You have the right to request that any details given are removed from our database at any point. Please be aware that we are legally required by the HMRC to keep all invoicing information on file for up to 7 years and first aid records for up to 3 years. Even though we still hold your details for this time, we will comply to any request that asks us to not contact you directly.


In the interest of safety, while your child is actively attending classes with us, you must provide mandatory contact information for at least one Parent/Guardian.



Any safeguarding concerns will be taken seriously, and we will be reporting any major concerns to the appropriate authorities. Please visit our Safeguarding policy on our website for more details.



Photos or film may be taken by WhizzDance for use on our social media, website or printed media. WhizzDance will ask your permission to use such photos in advance.


WhizzDance will always strive to be responsible in artistic choices with any media obtained. WhizzDance will represent our students in their best interest and will always take into consideration their safeguarding.


Providing everyone is happy for his or her child to be included; photography and filming will be permitted by family members and guests during watching week, observed exam classes, and at WhizzDance events such as performance sharings and parties. 


Providing everyone present is happy; during BalletTots, photos are permitted during the class time by Parents of students in the class only.


WhizzDance has the right to stop any media taken by anyone at any time without notice and without reason.


On occasion WhizzDance may film in a class or workshop for use of reference or to use as a handover to another WhizzTeacher only. This film will be stored securely and not shared on a public platform.


This document was updated by Maria Brodmann WhizzPrincipalHQ, 17/07/2024