WhizzDance is excited to bring you our Primary School Dance Clubs & Enrichment Sessions to schools throughout London. We believe getting children in to dance at an early age helps them build confidence, improve their social skills, and improves their physical and mental health. Our ethos is to instil a life-long love of dance and performance.
We recommend keeping the clubs offered over a span of one or two year groups max to avoid huge differentiation delivery wise. However, if your school is only one form entry, we will happily discuss options for you to make the numbers work as some dance genres lend better than others across a larger age range.
We Offer A Wide Range Of Dance Clubs And Enrichment Sessions:
- WhizzStreet
- WhizzBallet
- WhizzTap
- WhizzTheatrics (Musical Theatre: Acting, Singing and Dance)
- WhizzDance Music & Movement (KS1 only)
- WhizzContemporary & Creative Movement (KS2 only)
Our sessions are as engaging and enjoyable as possible, delivered by our talented and inspiring WhizzTeam.
For more information, please contact WhizzDance HQ today. Call us on 07931019573 or email a member of our team: info@whizzdance.com